Sunday, August 1, 2010

Plumbing Update

We've been off the blogging but not the working, slow but still moving. The plumbing system rough-in is complete and signed-off. The day after the inspection I found one leak in a soldered joint, but otherwise this 5-toilet, 9-sink house is tight for water and waste. I still need to make the final connection to the septic system, but that'll have to wait until we get rock for our driveway to the tune of about 5 loads.

Sandi will tell you about the siding system and the next work party, as she's an expert whom I'd hold up against any pro sider, as long as she's firmly planted on the ground. You go girl!

After the skin is tight we'll paint, then start thinking about the electrical systems. Amongst the thought and schedule process remains the vents and the propane gas lines, and the heating system will be later.

Our permit expires next month, which while being a part of our original plan, is still unpleasant as it's about $1500 tax to renew it for another 18 months. Most counties in the region, excepting Snohomish County, has previously dropped permit deadlines and renewal fees as a gesture to combat the unpleasant economy. We would gladly circulate that $1500 through the economy if the beaurocrats would allow, rather than fining us for responsibly building a home without taking on over-bearing debt.

OK, back to the mills on Monday. Drop us a line if you can or want to join a work detail!


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