Monday, October 3, 2016


Tom is so busy working on the stairs he hasn't made time to post about it! Guess I'll help him out a bit.

Before. Construction stairs with the layers of splatter to prove it.

We decided on cherry to match the rest of the cabinetry. Tom glued and biscuited the layers together to cut for the sides of each tread.

Risers getting attached.
What a difference just the risers makes!

And finally, starting on the treads. Just 6" on both ends which will be finished off with carpet down the middle.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Master closet continued

Tom and I got the closet system up last weekend.  It's so nice to have everything put away finally.

I can actually see the shower area again! Really looking forward to making it functional.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Master closet start

Finally getting to the master closet. I am so excited to get our hanging clothes out of the shower area and put away on a respectable closet rod! Not to mention the stuff still in boxes.

So while Tom and Hailey are out of town for work training, the closet system was delivered!
Amanda and I got this double pallet of boxes onto the front porch and I put 20 drawers together.

Then I worked on painting the walls.

Hopefully, Amanda and I can get it all installed before they get home on Thursday... Wish us luck!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Guest bathroom - more progress

We are getting the itch to finish the many little (and some not-so-little) projects on our task list.  I started with the guest bathroom.  I finally textured the wall repair from the former shower. 
And painted. You'd never even know there was a repair. :)

Then I put up the vanity light with a little help from the husband.

Now I can put up the trim boards and build some floating shelves for that corner to display my small bird nest collection. :)


Our little oasis from all the craziness of life.