Spent most of today puttering on the house. Added an insulation well at the attic stair and with the help of Mike B added a framework in the attic on which to lay planking without crushing the (soon to add) blow in insulation. 

While I was up there, I installed a digital antenna I have, up about two feet below the peak. That puts the Terk FM Pro aerial at about 28-30' above ground. I think we will have excellent reception. Still to be done before insulation is to box in the four speakers that mount up in that ceiling.
Oh yea, no word yet on the heat pump problem. Waiting for a part.
So with appliances here I'm thinking about security, which made me want to get the wiring center moving along.
Taped only. It's an attic.
Now primed and sealed. No paint, it's an attic.
Now I am staging for trimming of the systems. That's some audio stuff on the left. I should have the alarm on shortly, at least as a basic system. I sent our window screens out for alarm modification, but they're not back yet so it's doors and motions and perhaps a shotgun on a trip wire. Don't try it!
We met a guy named Don today, another in a series of drywall finishers. I think it's almost done but our guy won't say and I'm not allowed to ask him. I will speculate optimistically for paint-ready the 3rd, or 4th weekend of January or perhaps sometime in February...
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