Monday, June 8, 2009


My how time flies when in overload. We're slow in posting now the progress is slowed down, coupled by my forgetting to bring home the charging cable for the camera so no photo updates are available. We're painting the eves and fascia, which is a pain in the ass without a lift. I have a 28' extension ladder fully extended at which point I can only get about 5' shot before I become paralyzed with fear and hence immobile. OK, I'm exaggerating. I get 6' shot before I freeze up. One more high peak and then I can do the high roof extensions so when I fall, at least I'll bounce a few times on a lower roof before hurtling to my death.

God Rest Ron Schaevitz, a real client of ours who fell to his untimely death in his own foyer, putting the final touches on he and his wife's dream home. How morbid I am.

The trim looks great, and we're itching for a roof. All about the buck right now, but still plenty to do before they start. I will put in a catwalk in the (large) attic, providing access through one or two gable hatches I need to construct. This will allow roof access via the attic, eliminating the need for a tall ladder or roof flashing. We did this in the shop and it has proven quite handy on the ocassional need to get out there. I also will install a system of safety anchors as it's pretty steep and unforgiving of a fall. Ask my nephew Matt what happens when you slip off of a two-story roof (let's just say he got his first helicopter ride that day).

Man, the rocks. There are so damn many rocks in the "soil" I'm about to give up hope of ever having a plush lawn to mow. We'll just have to settle for a field, and I'll keep rallying Sandi for goats, alpacas or a steer. I'll let you know how that goes.

Plumbing is stalled for these other projects. I need to try real hard to stay on task and get each done. That may help my stress level. Problem is, Sandi refuses to wear the blindfold I gave her and helps "motivate" me to each project. It's my turn to "motivate" her to "motivate" me to finish something! Actually, this phase of the plumbing (DWV) has to get done before the roof gets too far, as there are pipes that need to project through the roof.

OSO lumber picked up the return pile, but we have not received our credit yet. Always hot to make a COD delivery, the close-out of this phase is starting to drag. I offered to write a nice referral letter, but I guess they don't want one. And all we want to do with a credit is spend it with them, I don't see how hard that could be?!

Work is hell right now. We're moving our offices and business is tough and THAT needs focus too! Can Sandi and I borrow somebody's cloning machine? Please?

Oh, and Titan is completely awesome. You gotta meet him sometime, alright?

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