Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Master closet start

Finally getting to the master closet. I am so excited to get our hanging clothes out of the shower area and put away on a respectable closet rod! Not to mention the stuff still in boxes.

So while Tom and Hailey are out of town for work training, the closet system was delivered!
Amanda and I got this double pallet of boxes onto the front porch and I put 20 drawers together.

Then I worked on painting the walls.

Hopefully, Amanda and I can get it all installed before they get home on Thursday... Wish us luck!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Guest bathroom - more progress

We are getting the itch to finish the many little (and some not-so-little) projects on our task list.  I started with the guest bathroom.  I finally textured the wall repair from the former shower. 
And painted. You'd never even know there was a repair. :)

Then I put up the vanity light with a little help from the husband.

Now I can put up the trim boards and build some floating shelves for that corner to display my small bird nest collection. :)


Our little oasis from all the craziness of life.