Friday, September 10, 2010

Siding... with PICTURES!

Ok, only about a month behind in posting these... On our anniversary weekend (17 years... woo-hoo!) we had some wonderful family and friends come over to help us side our house. Nephew Matt was the first to arrive in the morning. Here is Tom and Matt setting up our anniversary gift to each other. My...ahem... OUR Bosch 4410, 10" sliding compound miter saw... can you hear Tool-Time Tim grunting right now? I really love that saw considering we did the entire north wall of the house with a Skil-Saw, the straight cuts of the Bosch are AWESOME!
I believe this is Tom and Wayne in the bucket putting up the trim pieces around the windows in the craftroom.

Here are Nephew Matt, my brother Matt and the fabulous Andria working on the backside of the garage.

Ed was our cut master that Saturday. He did a great job cutting for all the installing crews. There are a lot of angles on the different roofs and he kept up like a champ.

Mom, with her broken wing still carried boards from the cut station to the installing crews. She is amazing.

Wayne and Tom working on the trim boards at the craftroom door dormer.

Wayne and Queen Betty in the mighty chariot...

Hailey and Tom working on the front dormer over the garage.
Here is the backside of the house after the weekend work party. Sigh... ain't it purty?
Here's a closer picture of Hailey & Tom working on the dormer.