Holy crap, it's been TWO MONTHS?? I thought this would happen. And once again it's late enough that I won't do too much detail, but will wax about "I'll get another update out soon" to alleviate my guilt. OK, I'm done.
What motivated me to get on tonight was not so much to update the blog, but the fact that Sandi asked about it in the context of contributing to our story. She can write well when she wants, but may need some encouragement to get started. So I'll send her the link, and you send her an email, OK? We'll see what evolves as we move along here.
And speaking of that, the short version of everything is that we are in Plan Review and expect a building permit in the next couple of weeks. We are interviewing framing, siding and roofing contractors and getting our task lists in order. We are building a home.
I'll get another update out soon.