Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hurdle Cleared, More to Come
So we're pretty happy here, going into the Thanksgiving weekend. We're pretty much loaded now, at 10:30pm Tuesday, for our jaunt to the Tahuya State Forest where we'll join friends in communion with nature, spirits and a beast-feast on Saturday
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving time!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Does is feel warm to you?
I'm not going to get into it too much, as it's midnight and I'm tired. Our loan is approved, largely because time has passed and we've kept on it. Sandi has, anyway. Dilegence and communication, me thinks, a big part of this whole process.
So our plans are with a new architect and engineer, one I'd recommend especially if you have a commercial project to do. CDA/Pirscher Architects in Shoreline, WA is a sharp outfit. Those should be back to us by next week, at which time we'll submit to the county. Our foundation guy is on notice, and I have to work deals still for digging equipment and operator time.
We're going to build this damned house. You watch.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
What? It's only money!?!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Waiting Game
Monday, May 19, 2008
Karate Dojo-a-Go-Go

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
Friday, May 9, 2008
Still trying to catch up

1000 gallons, split, with 8" risers. Our system was and remains rated for a three bedroom home. Changing that to more would require a new design and permit, and the old gravity system would not likely be accepted. So it'll do.

We also had a boat-load of cement to move, and the trees. The machine had no trouble breaking the 5 to 8 inch fiber-reinforced concrete, which I loaded into our pickup. Man, that truck bed got BEAT. Not the right tool, but it's what we have. It took maybe 10 trips with the truck, being carefull to not put more than about 7000# at a time. We put it near the end of our shop where we need fill anyway. Nice to not have to take it off-site.
As we get more into this, and it's still early, any chance we find to save costs or prepare for future tasks we take. More on that, later.
Now it's time to go sleep, for tomorrow we head to the in-laws. We're picking up some doors on the way, and may try to be back up for my patrol banquet so it's going to be a busy day.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Deconstructing Our Home

This is our home. This *was* it's location. It had a nice large planter on the end, with ivy and a couple of larger evergreen shrubs which we put Christmas lights in. There were also decks on both sides. It is about 1600 square feet, and was built in 1975 or so. It's a piece of crap, but it's clean.
We found this crew via referral. They're from Sedro Wooley, which is about as hick-town as it gets around here. A nice enough crew, and they knew thier stuff so we stayed out of the way. Sandi made them cookies the first day, in an attempt to keep them happy and not break anything.
We of course had to move our crap out, due to the weight on the wheels and axles. It was a fine opportunity to organize and toss, and we made a very nice contribution to a local charity. The biggest down-side to it is it all ended up in my shop! And it's STILL THERE. We left the piano in the house, with legs removed. Damned if we're moving that out then in again; it weighs about 650#. Maybe I'll blog about that piano some day. Maybe not....
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Here we go

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Our New Blog!
I'm creating this blog in the hope to connect, or re-connect, with family and friends that we may not otherwise talk to on a regular basis. I, for one, am historically bad at writing or calling on far-away people just to say "Hi" or catch up on what is going on in each other's lives. I encourage, and hope, that you the reader will drop us a note to say hi, and update us on what's going on in your life.